Hempsted Playgroup and Toddlers
Hempsted Playgroup and Toddlers
Late and Non collection of Children Policy
We aim to keep all children safe within the playgroup environment during our opening times, however this aim extends to when children are not collected past their session time. Children’s welfare is permanently at the forefront of what we do as a setting.
If a parent is expected to be late, a telephone call should be made to the playgroup as soon as possible, explaining what time they will be collecting their child.
This ensures that 2 members of staff will be available to stay with the child.
If the parent has arranged for somebody else to collect their child, they should let a member of staff know at the time of the telephone call, following the procedure set out in the Health and Safety Policy, for the child’s safety.
All incidents of late collection will be recorded and persistent parents /carers will
be asked to attend a meeting with the manager to discuss any issues, reasons and provide support to reduce the late collection. A meeting will be offered along with support to reduce and improve collection time.
If at the end of a playgroup session and after a reasonable amount of time (15 minutes has been allowed for lateness) the play leader will: -
· Check to see if there is any information regarding any changes to the parents' normal or work routine recorded from when the child was dropped off in the morning.
· If there is no information recorded, a member of staff will try to contact the parents on the telephone numbers provided for their mobile, home or work. If this fails a member of staff will try the emergency contacts provided on the child’s records.
· The welfare/needs of the child, along with support and reassurance will be met at all times.
· During normal operating times, the playgroup will adhere to required staff ratios. Two members of staff must stay behind with the child (if this is outside normal session hours).
· If the parents/carer or emergency contacts have still not collected the child, a member of staff will try all contact numbers available every 10 minutes until contact is made. These calls will be logged on a full incident record.
· In the event of no contact being made from the parents/carer or
· emergency contact after half hour has passed, the playleader will ring
Children and Families Services - 01452 42 65 65 (Normal session hours)
Children and Families Service out of hours - 01452 614194 (Outside of session hours)
The two members of staff will remain in the building with the child, providing reassurance and comfort, until suitable arrangements have been made for the collection of the child.
Please note it is the responsibility of the parent/carers to inform the setting of any changes in contact details for their child and update playgroup with all the relevant changes ASAP.
Reviewed August 2024