Hempsted Playgroup and Toddlers
Hempsted Playgroup and Toddlers
Sick Children Policy
Staff will be vigilant to the symptoms of coronavirus and will take immediate action.
Your child should not attend if they display any symptoms (new persistent cough or high temperature).
The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA)
We will follow the advice of UKHSA with regards to:
Individuals developing COVID-19 symptoms or testing positive.
When to self-isolate and what to do.
If anyone in our setting shows signs of COVID-19, they will be sent home and we will follow the UKHSA advice.
Ofsted will be notified of any infectious diseases which a qualified medical person considers notifiable, and we will act on any advice given by the Health Protection Agency. Ofsted will then be informed of any action taken.
Contagious illnesses
A wall chart is displayed on the parent notice board of all childhood illnesses, their incubation periods and contagious period.
Parents are told to keep their children away from playgroup while they are contagious.
If there has been vomiting or diarrhoea, the child should stay at home until 48 hours after the last occasion.
We would expect parents to inform us if their child is ill, and we will notify other parents of the illness if it is contagious so they can observe their children. The identity of the ill child will be kept confidential.
During absence, the parent will still be charged for the child’s placement.
If a child becomes ill during a playgroup session
If a child becomes ill during a playgroup session, a member of staff will stay with the child, and keep them in a quiet area away from other children. The child’s parent will then be telephoned and asked to collect their child.
Parents are asked to regularly update their contact details as necessary.
If we are unable to contact the parent, or other relative, a member of staff will stay with the sick child in a quiet area to closely monitor them. If the child is vomiting, the staff member should wear rubber gloves and a disposable apron. The staff will keep trying to contact the parent.
If there has been a case of vomiting or diarrhoea, the area will be immediately disinfected to avoid cross contamination. Staff who have been looking after a vomiting child must change their t shirt/ jumper.
If an illness has occurred at playgroup, parents of the other children will be notified at collection, in order for them to observe their children for any signs. We will maintain confidentiality, by not naming the child(ren) concerned.
Lice and Nits
If we notice a child has lice or nits, the child will not be treated any differently to the other children. We will inform the parent of the child at the end of the session.
We will inform the other parents of the outbreak, by putting a notice on the playgroup door so they can look out for any signs of infestation. The identity of the affected child will be kept strictly confidential. (Confidentiality Policy)​
Reviewed August 2022