Hempsted Playgroup and Toddlers
Our Learning
Play underpins all development and learning for young children, it is through play that children learn to make sense of the world and develop socially, physically, intellectually and creatively.
At our playgroup the children have access to a high quality play based learning environment – both inside and outdoors, which is resourced in a way to enable them to access things independently and begin to make choices for themselves.
All the children are supported by a well planned daily routine which includes opportunities for them to work alone or with others, in both child initiated and adult supported play situations. Most significant is the prolonged time children have on self chosen learning – where they have the opportunity to become absorbed in their own learning, following their own interests and work at their own pace.
Staff are highly skilled at observing the children, noticing significant lines of interest or new learning and extending it through questioning and challenge. The children are encouraged to problem solve and reflect on and explore their learning experiences creatively.
Our curriculum enables all our children to understand and experiment with new learning in the 7 areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage, these are:
Prime Areas
Specific Areas
We put huge emphasis on children’s personal, social and emotion well being and work hard to ensure all children feel secure, valued, respected and heard.
This includes daily opportunities for children to recognise and work through feelings, resolve conflicts and celebrate their achievements as a learner and a member of our learning community.
Race, equality and inclusion thread through our whole curriculum.
Significant to our setting is our commitment to learning to learn.
We support the children to feel good about themselves as learners and have the skills to be great learners.
We want them to be resilient, resourceful, reflective and reciprocal and help them to: persevere, be absorbed, notice things, imitate, listen, plan, revise what they are doing, make links and collaborate.
Communication and Language
Physical Development
Personal, Social and Emotional Developement
Understanding the World
Expressive Art and design